В биохимическом составе надземной части иван-чая присутствуют витамин С(этого антиоксиданта в кипрее в 3 раза больше чем в апельсинах и в 6,5 раза больше чем в лимонах), каротиноиды (предшественники витамина А), витамины группы B, слизи (полисарахиды), пектины, хлорофилл, дубильные вещества (до 20%), органические кислоты, фитостеролы (в том числе бета-ситостерин), тритерпеноиды, кумарины, флавоноиды (в том числе кверцетин и кемпферол), небольшое количество алкалоидов, а также некоторые макро- и микроэлементы (особенно высока концентрация в листьях и цветках иван-чая железа, меди и марганца, содержатся также в листьях и цветках кипрея в значительном количестве калий, натрий, кальций, магний, бор, никель и титан).
В богатых крахмалом, полисахаридами, легкоусваиваемыми белками и органическими кислотами корневищах иван-чая отсутствуют дубильные вещества, но содержатся в значительном количестве соли фосфора, кальция и кобальта.
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27.08.2024Regulated United Europe se esfuerza constantemente por mejorar su rendimiento y el nivel de los servicios prestados, basandose en las constantes observaciones de sus clientes y captando las necesidades del mercado de servicios juridicos en varios paises europeos. El tiempo de respuesta a las consultas/correos electronicos de los clientes tambien se mantiene al minimo.
En el ambito de los precios, Regulated United Europe intenta adaptarse a las necesidades de los clientes ofreciendo un precio fijo para la mayoria de los servicios juridicos prestados, a pesar de que en la mayoria de los paises europeos se aplican honorarios legales por hora.
Proporcionamos asesoramiento juridico y apoyo diario a nuestros clientes en todas las fases de la ejecucion de sus proyectos. Un equipo de abogados experimentados desarrolla soluciones complejas de forma individual para cada cliente.
27.08.2024The agreement allows for the exchange of information between other EU countries and Cyprus, even if the information is not required for tax purposes of these countries. However, the country from which the information is requested is not obliged to provide the information if it is a violation of the law or public interest of that country. It is also not allowed to request information that is not publicly available in that country.
It should be noted that the Cypriot tax authorities in most cases do not have information on the beneficiaries of private companies or any other information material. For these reasons, Cypriot companies registered through nominees and information about the real owners is confidential.
In this regard, persons whose information is withheld must be properly accumulated in the files of the registration agents. Professional secrecy cannot be used as an excuse for not providing information about these persons.
However, the conditions under which professional secrecy may be lifted will depend on state law. Thus, disclosure will not be a simple automatic administrative procedure, but will require the intervention of local government officials.
Opening a company in Cyprus can be a powerful step to expand your business and explore new markets. Because of its unique advantages, Cyprus offers great opportunities for growth and success in international business. However, success depends on careful planning, an understanding of the local business culture and effective resource management.
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27.08.2024Your blog is a must-visit for anyone seeking information.
27.08.2024There is no single ideal jurisdiction in the world for starting a business that would suit everyone. But there are countries whose legislative and tax system is ideally suited to your particular case.
Very often we are approached by clients with the request “Quickly register a company in the EU and pay low taxes”. But during a consultation with a specialist it turns out that, for example, the client also wants to stay in the country of business for a longer period of time or permanently reside there with the possibility of obtaining EU citizenship, which means that it is necessary to additionally apply for a long-term residence permit abroad.
In view of this situation, we always recommend approaching the choice of a country for starting a business comprehensively, taking into account both corporate, tax and immigration laws together with the goals and objectives that the entrepreneur wants to achieve.
27.08.2024Cost of starting and maintaining a company. If you are planning to start a micro-business with a small number of employees or run your business on your own, countries with high start-up and maintenance costs (Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein) are unlikely to be the best choice for you. In addition to the cost of starting a company, it is also important to consider the costs of maintaining it: the cost of accounting services, the obligation to undergo an audit, the need for local employees and the need for a physical office in the country of incorporation.
Company control. Before starting a business in Europe and choosing a country to open a company, it is worth paying attention to the corporate legislation of the country you have chosen – in some European countries (Switzerland, Bulgaria) a company with foreign ownership has an obligation to have a local director who is a resident of the country. For some types of business this may be an insignificant and easy to fulfil requirement (you have a partner, a resident of the country in which you fully trust), but for other types of business it can be a significant problem and it is better to try to solve it at the earliest stage, choosing a European country to open a business in which there is no such obligation.
Confidentiality of information about the company’s beneficiaries. If inaccessibility of data on company beneficiaries is critical for your business, Cyprus and Switzerland will be the preferred choice for opening a company in Europe. It should be borne in mind that in some European countries information on all company members is freely available (Estonia), while in others it can be ordered for a small fee from the Commercial Register or from a private company that has such information.
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